Grant notification for IPCEI hydrogen project HyTechHafen Rostock
Today, Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck presented the grant notification to the “HyTechHafen Rostock” industrial project for the production of green hydrogen.
From 2027, green hydrogen will be produced from renewable energies in the port of Rostock using a 100 MW electrolyser. This should be made available to local consumers and, on the other hand, feed the german hydrogen pipeline net that is currently being set up.
“This funding decision marks another important milestone for our project on the way to realization. It shows that the project in Rostock, consisting of hydrogen production, storage, trailer filling and pipeline connection to the hydrogen core network, is one of the central infrastructure projects for the development of a green hydrogen infrastructure in Germany,” says Managing Director Michael Wurzel.
The entire project requires investments of several hundred million euros at the site. “We are of course very pleased about the appreciation for the project approach and the region,” says Dr. Ralf Tschullik, the second managing director of rostock EnergyPort cooperation GmbH and adds: “The funding decision is an incentive to continue working at full speed on the implementation, because the funding also means a challenging and demanding time frame for further planning, approval and construction.”
The shareholders of rostock EnergyPort cooperation GmbH – ROSTOCK PORT GmbH, RheinEnergie AG, EnBW Neue Energien GmbH and RWE Generation SE – explicitly welcome the receipt of the funding decision and declare their continued commitment to supporting the project in Rostock as well as proving the economic viability of the project. The funding notification will be reviewed and the further development of the project evaluated.
IPCEI projects (IPCEI: Important Project of Common European Interest) are projects of outstanding European interest that, through government funding, make an important contribution to the growth, employment and competitiveness of the European economy. The federal government covers 70 percent of the funding amount, while 30 percent is provided by the respective federal state.
In December 2022, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) granted the project an early start. The project was notified by the EU Commission in February 2024.
About rostock EnergyPort cooperation GmbH The energy suppliers EnBW Neue Energien GmbH, RheinEnergie AG, RWE Generation SE and the port operator ROSTOCK PORT GmbH have joined forces in a consortium with almost 25 percent each and founded rostock EnergyPort cooperation GmbH in July 2022. The areas of expertise of the respective partners complement each other in this project and contribute to sustainable, future-oriented site development with impacts on a local, but also supra-regional and international level.
Michael Wurzel
Dr. Ralf Tschullik
rostock EnergyPort cooperation GmbH
Am Kühlturm 1, 18147 Rostock