HyTechHafen Rostock-
Green Hydrogen for Energy Transition

HyTechHafen Rostock
The centerpiece of the project is a 100 MW electrolyser, which is to be built on the site of the Rostock hard coal power plant by the end of 2027. The site offers a number of advantages.
The coal-fired power plant itself, which is located in Rostock’s overseas port, is prospectively to be shut down. The construction of an electrolysis plant offers a unique opportunity to initiate and implement the transformation process from fossil energy to green energy, taking into account the existing infrastructure, the availability of open spaces in the immediate vicinity and the skilled personnel on site. The electricity required for electrolysis is available in the region thanks to the large number of renewable energy plants, such as wind turbines at sea and on land, but also photovoltaic plants, so that up to 6,500 tons of green hydrogen per year can be produced in a climate-neutral manner right from the start. The hydrogen produced through electrolysis will feed the national hydrogen start-up network via a pipeline connection yet to be built.
In addition, a hydrogen storage facility is planned, which will lead to a higher and more constant availability of hydrogen and be able to compensate for weather-related fluctuations in renewable power sources. The filling facility which is also planned, is intended to provide access to hydrogen, especially for local consumers.
Its storage capacity makes it possible to compensate for weather-related fluctuations in renewable power sources. The storage facility is further connected to a filling plant, thus also allowing local consumers to draw hydrogen.
As part of the overall energy port strategy, the location is suitable for expanding the system to an output of up to 1,000 megawatts. The “HyTechHafen Rostock” project has applied for funding under the IPCEI (Important Project of Common European Interest) program.
rostock EnergyPort cooperation
The Joint Venture rostock EngeryPort cooperation GmbH, which was founded in 2022, has set itself the goal of promoting the development and expansion of a sustainable green production and distribution structure for hydrogen. For this purpose, an electrolysis plant for the production of climate-neutral (green) hydrogen is to be built in the seaport of Rostock. The hydrogen produced will then be fed into a national distribution network and but will be available to local consumers as well.
For implementation, the energy suppliers EnBW Neue Energien GmbH, RheinEnergie AG, RWE Generation SE and the port operator ROSTOCK PORT GmbH, each with almost 25 percent, have joined forces in a consortium.
The fields of competence of the respective partners complement each other in this project and contribute to a sustainable, future-oriented location development with effects on a local, but also national and international level.
The overseas port of Rostock is an ideal starting point for a hydrogen hub in north-eastern Germany. As part of the new consortium, RWE, as a global leader in renewable energies and with its expertise in hydrogen production, is making a significant contribution to the green transformation of the site and the region," says Sopna Sury, COO Hydrogen RWE Generation.
Together with the companies involved, RheinEnergie is driving forward the targeted transformation of the Rostock power plant from hard coal to green hydrogen. In this way we are creating a perspective, not only for the site itself, but for the entire region. In the future, we will make the required quantities of green hydrogen available to all market participants within the framework of the newly founded company," says Dr. Dieter Steinkamp, CEO of RheinEnergie AG.
The successful transformation from fossil energy sources such as coal to non-fossil energy sources such as hydrogen affects many parts of the port. A consistent start to the development of a hydrogen economy in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania will replace fossil fuels and lead to the decarbonization of the region. As a partner of the joint venture, we want to continue to be a driving force for a climate-friendly and sustainable port economy," emphasizes ROSTOCK PORT Managing Director Jens Scharner.
By realizing such a project and subsequent further expansion, we see a great opportunity to transform a coal-fired power plant site into a sustainable energy site in the long term. We are also securing local jobs,” says Rainer Allmannsdörfer, Managing Director of EnBW Neue Energien GmbH, who is also Managing Director of the coal-fired power plant.

Der Überseehafen Rostock ist ein idealer Startpunkt für ein Wasserstoff-Hub im Nordosten Deutschlands. Im Rahmen des neuen Konsortiums trägt RWE als weltweit führendes Unternehmen bei Erneuerbaren Energien und mit ihrer Kompetenz bei der Wasserstofferzeugung maßgeblich zur grünen Transformation des Standorts und der Region bei“, sagt Sopna Sury, COO Hydrogen RWE Generation.

Gemeinsam mit den beteiligten Unternehmen treibt die RheinEnergie die zielgerichtete Transformation des Kraftwerkstandorts Rostock von der Steinkohle hin zu grünem Wasserstoff voran. Damit schaffen wir eine Perspektive, nicht nur für den Standort selbst, sondern für die gesamte Region. Die benötigten Mengen an grünem Wasserstoff stellen wir im Rahmen der neu gegründeten Gesellschaft künftig allen Marktteilnehmern zur Verfügung“, sagt Dr. Dieter Steinkamp, Vorstandsvorsitzender der RheinEnergie AG.

Die erfolgreiche Transformation von fossilen Energieträgern wie Kohle zu nichtfossilen Energieträgern wie Wasserstoff betrifft viele Teile des Hafens. Ein konsequenter Einstieg in den Aufbau einer Wasserstoffwirtschaft in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern wird die fossilen Energieträger ablösen und zur Dekarbonisierung der Region führen. Als ein Partner des gemeinsamen Unternehmens möchten wir weiterhin Impulsgeber für eine klimaschonende und nachhaltige Hafenwirtschaft sein“, hebt ROSTOCK PORT-Geschäftsführer Jens Scharner hervor.

Wir sehen in der Realisierung eines solchen Projektes und einem sich daran anschließenden weiteren Ausbau eine große Chance, eine Kohlekraftwerksstandort langfristig in einen zukunftsfähigen Energiestandort zu transformieren. Wir sichern damit auch Arbeitsplätze vor Ort“, sagt Rainer Allmannsdörfer, Geschäftsführer der EnBW Neue Energien GmbH, der auch Geschäftsführer des Kohlekraftwerkes ist.

50Hertz as transmission system operator, Stadtwerke Rostock as local energy supplier, WIND-projekt as planner and operator of renewable energy plants and the IWEN Energy Institute as research institution complement the company’s advisory board and accompany and support the project as associated partners.
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